Thursday, October 6, 2016

This Means War

First day of chemo. My day started out great. The pain in my shoulder was minimal, my head was clear and I got to spend the day with my dashingly, handsome husband. I had a big day ahead full of blood draws, appointments, surgery and treatment. It's all good. I was excited to get day one under my belt. My Doc reminded me that the side effects of the chemo might not be as severe because initially (5 years ago), I had another chemo mix that was super toxic and put me in the backseat. This time, I don't have to have those nasty drugs and the side effect profile of the chemo I get now is not so bad. This comes to me as great news. I will still experience debilitating fatigue and hair loss but somehow this seems more tolerable.

So I nailed the blood draw, rocked the doc appointment, and headed to interventional radiology where they would perform surgery to place a port in my chest for infusion. I'm a big fan of these guys because they were able to access my supraclavicular node for biopsy, which was an impossible task (kinda like trying to hit a snow pea in a haystack with a javelin), and they rocked it. Because of interventional radiology, pathology was able to profile my cancer so that the corresponding treatments would be effectively chosen and I wouldn't have to suffer any unnecessary "stabs in the dark."

Nurse Daphne brought me back to the surgical suite, and they set me up for surgery where they place a port with a catheter that goes into my subclavian vein and the port part goes nearby just under my skin. When I get infusions, they access this port with a tiny needle that just pokes my skin. Using veins collapses them, and if chemo leaks, it can grossly destroy an arm in a matter of minutes. Ports are very handy and also prevent infection which is also a concern for cancer patients. The interventional radiologist who performed my procedure was nothing short of awesome. I felt NOTHING. All local anesthetic to numb the area, and I was wide awake. Daphne had pain meds for me, but I really didn't need them. My port was placed perfectly and they even tolerated my incessant chatty, banter. I'm a motor-mouth. Sue me. Daphne hooked me up with some Fentanyl to manage my anticipated pain or to shut me up. Either way, I was feeling pretty groovy the whole time. Port placed. Check.

Marek and I had an awesome San Francisco lunch. I was still significantly stoned from the Fentanyl so he was looking more handsome than usual. We geared up for chemo. I anticipated that I would feel pretty awful, nauseated, and not great. It's tough to walk in to a place where they infuse poison that makes you feel subhuman. Chemo takes you to the edge of the abyss and makes you look into the void. It takes a great deal of courage to pull yourself away from that abyss. Falling into it seems so much easier than rallying every week for yet another hardcore poisoning session. This is where everyone cheering for you pulls you back from that edge. They give you every reason to come back by wearing bracelets, buying T-shirts and flying planes from Alaska. Those are the people that inspire you to earn your life, to not give up, and to reach for humanity. Not only do they give you hope, but they inspire a reason to trudge on, to not give in to the abyss and to believe that blue skies are just ahead.

Infusion didn't go as planned. My nurse, Evelyn, from Ghana, Africa was a gem. She was so good, so professional and so culturally African in the sense that she was warm, and kind with a hearty laugh and a loving demeanor. She is the nurse you want at your bedside when things go south. And things went south.
My shoulder had been bothering me for weeks. It's an old rafting injury unrelated to cancer but because of my cancer, it refused to heal and get better. Cancer delays healing and with brain radiation, my shoulder was stuck in the limbo of inflammation.  I brought a ball to roll along my muscles to help with the discomfort, but as my infusion began, my pain worsened. The Fentanyl from my port placement procedure had worn off and I was starting to feel a great amount of discomfort front and back. Marek tried to massage the stiffness and the tension out of my shoulder to no avail. After my first two infusions, my pain was off the chart. I couldn't stand it. Evelyn tried heat packs, tylenol, anything she could on a standing order, but nothing was helping. As it worsened, I felt myself slipping. How am I going to get through this? No way was I going to wait another week for treatment. I needed to get started now because my CT from yesterday showed that the cancer is growing. I needed to get that chemo on board to start letting cancer know that it is not welcome here. While Marek massaged, Evelyn manned the phone. She got doctor's orders for opiates by mouth and by IV. None of it worked. Fortunately, the chemo was infusing and it would be an hour more to gut through the nerve pain shooting through my shoulder and now down my arm, but I was in distress and coping mechanisms were fading. My doctor showed up. He watched and while Evelyn and Marek tried every other intervention, with no success. I was suffering and it was awful. Finally, My Doc said, "I think you need to go to the ER."
Okay, for all of you non-ER nurses, let me just say that unless I am dying, really dying, there is no way I go to the ER. The ER is for EMERGENCIES. The ER is for people who are in major distress. The ER is NOT  for hangnails and the common cold. Yet everybody seems to think that this is a great idea since insurance companies can't deny you medical treatment of your perceived "emergency." ER's across the country fill up with low acuity patients who have nowhere to get treatment. Doctors send patients to the ER because they need a higher level of care, but patients still end up waiting two, three, even five hours waiting to be seen.  It is a crisis and good hard-working ER personnel are getting hammered by non-emergent, "emergencies." I was in pain, but I had an airway, a stable heart rate and a 2-hour drive home. I thought I could gut it out because at some point, I figured I was going to pass out from the pain anyway. Vital functions were still working. I saw no reason to bring UCSF's ER to a grinding halt.  However, the high-powered opiates that Evelyn had managed to appropriate had no effect.  I was in distress and the look on both my doctor's and my husband's faces told the story. While Evelyn and I tried to think our way out of it, nothing was working. Everyone was out of ideas. I had opiates on board so my solution-seeking processes were clearly impaired. My pain was considered "intractable."Intractable pain gets you an admission and no way did I want to be admitted to the hospital. But intractable pain also makes you crazy, so reluctantly, I agreed to go to the ER.
I anticipated a small level of hell. San Francisco on a Tuesday night. Thankfully, no full moon, but the ER was full. We waited, I cried, silently, because despite my pain, I knew there were far sicker people here than me.  I didn't belong here. I just needed something that the infusion center didn't have access to: a pharmaceutical cornucopia of pain meds and a guy nearby who could intubate me in case they went to far.
Dr. Rose was cute. He was kind, receptive and thorough. He ordered more opioids. I saw no sense in this whatsoever, but figured he knew what he was doing. After three major opiate meds that included Percocet, Norco and Morphine, I was still very awake, still very much in pain and wishing I had not come to the ER. Dr. Rose came back and offered Dilaudid ( another high-powered opiate) at which point, I made a simple suggestion.
"Dr. Rose, my pain is nerve pain, shooting down my arm and paralyzing my shoulder. What do you think about Neurontin?" (Neurontin is often used in nerve-related pain syndromes to halt seizures and treat neuropathies.)
In my experience, holier than thou docs would have scoffed at my suggestion, but not cute Dr. Rose. He considered it. "Let's give it a try."
With Dilaudid ordered as back up, along with an anti-anxiety med that would have snowed me through Sunday, They gave me Neurontin. Within the hour, my pain subsided. It stopped shooting down my arm, my shoulder stopped trying to kill me and my outlook greatly improved. Once my pain was relieved, all those opioids took over and I became a red, hot mess of slurring, drunkenness. My dashingly, handsome husband let out a sigh of relief as I insinuated it was time to make a move.
"Time to take me home honey."
I was so relieved to not be admitted. I was so relieved that my pain had a treatment. I was so relieved to go home and sleep in my own bed. It was an epic ordeal. Poor Marek had to witness my suffering for 9 grueling hours then get in a car and drive my drunken self home at midnight (the easy part). He was unbelievably amazing. While he had previous experience driving me home drunk, slurry, and giggling incessantly, he didn't have experience watching me suffer. This added a whole new level of complexity to this journey because he witnessed my mortality and how fast things go badly. It left a mark, a mark of terror that it is very possible that I might die from something stupid, and he was helpless to stop it. I was so so sorry, to bring this painful reality to our perfect relationship. "In sickness and in health" doesn't exactly prepare you for this.
You never know what crazy, hellish adventure Cancer is going to serve up. I never would have anticipated this little episode that had mostly nothing to do with my cancer other than delaying the healing of a musculoskeletal injury and wreaking havoc on my nervous system. I swear the universe threw that in there to increase the level of challenge and difficulty because I practically sailed through the first round. My doctor saw me in distress. Good, hard-working nurses, busted down to help me. Marek watched. Tough round this early in the game, but we did it. We got through. Good people helped us with our dog and our kids and we all reunited the next day to tell the story. Cancer is an adventure. It's an epic journey of unpredicted events. You can prepare all you want but no matter what, cancer finds a way to challenge you at the most unexpected times. Last night, I fought and won. Cancer 1 Tori 1. Battles are part of the deal. Win some. Lose some. But no matter what the score, I fully intend to win this fight. I have an unwavering, committed army behind me in this. If my own cells wanna try and kill me, they're gonna have to accept that they are mutants and the rest of me is slightly more badass than they are. I came to fight. This is not over, and I am geared up for a long, cold war.


  1. There is some serious badassery in this entry!! WOW!! Great job evening up the tally and kicking cancers ass! JUST WOW!!! 💖

  2. Excellent ER nursing there Tori "what about neurontin doctor"? I'm so glad you found something that works!
    That was an inspiring story and I'm sorry for your suffering. But it does encourage me to stop sniverling over my petty stuff.

    I would like to take a day off to get you to SF n back to hang with you. I can be chatty I can be very quiet. I'll message you my number/email.

    Keep fighting and laughing and loving Tori !

    1. NOTHING is petty. It all sucks, it all hurts and when you find a pearl, hold on to it. Would love to see you Julie. PM me your deets. Marek is looking for drivers. It would be nice to spend some time!

  3. Nice call on the Neurontin. I know your ratio of BadAss Cells to those mutant cells is super high. You are a FIGHTER.

  4. You are such a badass! Bless you Tori!

  5. Good thing I read this at the end of my workday....tissue was needed!! I felt like I was right there with you while reading about your brutal day last do have a way with words Tori! Thanks for sharing your story with us...many hugs.

    1. XOXOXOXO. Watching Hannah play (oooh! those first touches.... so sweet!) made it all worth it.

  6. Wow! Sounds like your first appointment in SF last time (5 years ago) when we had Zoe and Stella broke her sure know how to make an entrance! I love your determination and will. You inspire me with each and every post, keep them coming....miss you! Love SF, would love to help out. Let Marek know I am in if needed. XOXO Natalie :O)
