Friday, May 24, 2013

The Day of the Fact

I wish my memory were better. 40 years of memories are hard to pack in to my tiny little brain especially a brain I soaked in alcohol for much of my young life and later other substances that do not enhance memory (i.e. chemo, diet drinks, and Red Bull). Now I must count on others and their rendition of what went down way back when. I've been walking down memory lane trying to piece together the good old days. So, I dug through the garage and found a bunch of old yearbooks and journals I had written. What I have concluded in this little exercise is I had waaaaayyyy too much fun in my younger years which probably explains the lack of memory of said events. I had multiple groups of friends that fell into categories of Ski Racers (local, national and international), Volleyball Players, Calculus classmates, drinking buddies, boyfriends (with and without carnal knowledge), Drill Team friends,  the Class of 1985, Kayakers, River guides, Colleagues of various jobs, and adopted family members. Admittedly, I used to order my life by boyfriend.  I was a serial monogamist (except when I wasn't which was only once or twice.... and worth it.) starting at the tender age of 11. I could tell which event happened when based on who I was dating at the time. This was a handy little memory tool and worked beautifully for years. Well, until I was around 26 anyway. That particular year, I met my soon to be husband.  Sadly, I have not made 20 years easy on him, but having tested his resolve, I can be completely certain that he must love me. Otherwise, he is a true glutton for rewardless punishment. Needless to say, the last 20 years have been difficult to organize given the lack of dramatic breakups and new infatuations.
Today, we celebrate our  20th anniversary of the "day of the fact." 20 years ago today, my husband and I went kayaking together after deviously being abandoned by a huge group of friends who schemed to get us alone together. It worked. Marek kissed me from his kayak on this day 20 years ago. We call it the "day of the fact" because we have some great memories "before the fact" and "after the fact." I celebrate today because it was the day heaven opened up and welcomed me in. While the day we committed ourselves to each other in marriage is also extremely significant, today has a special meaning. I staunchly refuse to forget how happy I was that day, not simply because I got kissed by a boy, but because I was loved for being me. I got to combine love with kayaking, and have ever since. How lucky am I to have found a life partner who allows me to be me, an unconventional brand of woman who likes to bomb down mountains and rivers and later throw on a dress and heels to dance the night away? He is durable....and patient. The years are starting to run together for me. So many great experiences, so few memory cells. Thank goodness for digital photography and facebook to jog my failing memory. We continue to add memories to the vault. Still a serial monogamist, I have taken it to the next level. Still monogamous after 20 years and grateful it's so easy and fun. Looking forward to more kissing on the river and days of adventure with the kids. One thing I do remember is there's never a dull moment.

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