Monday, May 27, 2013

The Indomitable Diva

Hey, if anyone is reading this, first, thank you. Thank you for remaining anonymous while you chuckle at my insecurities. Second, I'm all over the map. My most recent conquest has put me on the path of getting my black belt in mixed martial arts which includes Tae Kwon Do, Muay Thai Boxing, Kickboxing, Brazilian Jiu Jitsu and Filipino Arnis Escrima. It's a big curriculum but it is so much fun, largely because one of my instructors is this energetic ball of inspiration, who gives unconditionally to teaching his students and thrives off of their personal achievements. His personality is infectious and I am determined to match his energy joule for joule. That, and I like to hit stuff. At any rate, part of my black belt training requires that I keep a journal. I've given up on writing with a pen or pencil because I can type far faster than I can write. Plus, it's more fun for me. So...I've decided to make my blog, my black belt journal. After all, it goes with my theme of falling down and getting back up over and over and over....However, I do not wish to transform the Damaged Diva blog into a personal journal. If you are interested in my daily ramblings, you can find them at The Indomitable Diva . I'm sure there will be all kinds of personal drama there in my quest to manage survivorship with athleticism at the tender age of 46. Otherwise, I will continue to post to the Damaged Diva on ramblings different from my black belt quest.
And speaking of suvivorship, I will try to upkeep my personal webpage, The Cancer Diva, which I have conveniently neglected for six months. No, I'm not dead. Just lazy. I will post cancer updates there for anyone who is interested in that stuff. And speaking of cancer, if you are reading this and you are fighting Cancer, keep fighting. There are amazing experiences on your journey. Be open to them. I hope my story helps somehow. If anything, writing about it helps me, and that's how the whole thing started. Everyday, I am grateful for my awesome life and the people in it. I like to recognize them when I can (without spotlighting them on my facebook page....). Thanks for reading and enjoy the day. Today is the best you will every be.

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